the Walrus said

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Retired sort of, I'm an eighteenth century liberal, a whig. I'm married to a really smart lady, we have two sons. Our children are our success story. We have 5 cats (all strays) and 2 guinea pigs... more to come

Sunday, May 22, 2005


My thoughts regarding the recent happenings in Parliament. Stephen Harper made his decisions as well as he could from the centre of a vortex of advice. The loss of Belinda Stronarch was a blow that could not have been forseen, and in the opinion of the rank and file was probably a long term benefit. The Greek chorus that is heard from the media does not capture what is in the hearts and minds of the voters across Canada, any more than do the polls.
I do not pretend to know what the voters think but I believe I know to what they would respond.
At this time confusion, fear and anger is motivating the voter. I believe that the Canadian people want a strong leader, one who projects an image of strength. One who is prepared to say things that taps into our history and our culture. The Canadian voter wants to be reassured that Canada still has potential, still has a future that links to our past. Resolution is the first quality of a leader and together with a clarity of purpose declares a message that binds people together for the purpose of achieving expressed national goals.
To often Party platforms are nothing more than a laundry list of public bribes to the voter. Very little is mentioned of national goals that may inspire individuals and cause people to take pride in national undertakings. A political party must have a philosophy, it must have an understanding as to it's place in the existing political spectrum. It must continually challenge other parties and the the voter in its fight for recognition in order to win the hearts and minds of the voter so that it may gain power to effect its policies.
I believe that Stephen Harper is a strong man, intellectually and emotionally, but he needs to demonstrate that visually. He needs to take off his coat, roll up his sleeves and embrace his public. He needs to talk of his vision of Canada. He needs to let people realise that the future of Canada is the most important thing in his life. He needs to move the debate away from laundry lists and move it to the high ground and do it in words of two syllables. He needs to remember that he speaks both to and for Canadians. So get him to roll up his sleeves and get angry,. He has the right. Jerra good luck David S.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Harper 's Election

Some thoughts on Mr. Harper and the Conservatives. I wish Mr. Harper would take his coat off and roll up his sleeves. I wish that he would relax. He doesn't have a secret agenda , he just looks like he does. I know his job is important but he should share his concerns with us (Canadians). Mr. Harper should be all thunder and lightening, he's on a mission, not to just be elected but to clean up the Augean Stables created by Liberals too long in power. You don't clean up h....s... with your coat on. The Canadian public have a sense of the foulness and corruptness that has become systemic in our government. They need reassurance that Mr. Harper is the man to do the job, not just someone who says he will. Mr. Harper needs to state that whistleblowers will be rewarded as well as protected, and political or bureaucratic officials found guilty of crimes will suffer severely. This should be spelled out in proposed legislation.
Public apathy is caused in part by a long history of abuse of public trust. There is some merit to the line "they are all the same". Mr. Harper must show that he is emotionally involved, he must nail his colours to the mast of the Conservative ship. How difficult can that be? A display of honest anger at every opportunity, some colouful language in a Churchillian mode is surely not to hard to come by.
Ms. Stronach should not be musing aloud to the press about the wisdom of the election timing. If she has persons in her riding who are unable understand what has been uncovered, she should be out there explaining why an immediate election is imperative. Ontario needs a federal Conservative government. For too long Ontario has acted as the other book-end to Quebec. Both of them need to lose their illusions and start showing political maturity. A Conservative government which lends hope that all parts of Canada will be represented, will allow Quebec and Ontario to see the opportunities that have been ignored by successive federal governments. The tragedy and the stupidity of Mr. Martin and his predecessors with their fixation on national unity as being focused on Quebec is in not realizing that the Maritimes and the West is were the focus should be.
So Mr. Harper, loosen your tie, shuck your coat and start telling the Canadian voter that you stand for a Canada that includes every province and territory, every ethnic and cultural grouping, and all the Canadian people. Honest government for honest Canadians!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


For those involved or just interested in politics there has been much to see and read during the last while. All food for conjecture. Crystal balls have not been this shadowy for many years and political crystal balls are notoriously shadowy.
Attempts to decipher a road map from current events in order to plan political success is almost useless and in fact can become venial.
We have reached a watershed in Canadian politics. The conservative forces in this country have pulled themselves together at last. This at a time when the management of Canada has become infused with corruption and perhaps what is worse we are witnessing major departments of government becoming more and more incapable of fulfilling their mandates. Schemes based on consensus politics and poll results are wasting huge amounts of tax money.
There has been a lot of discussion in and outside of the Conservative party as to whether now is the time for an election.
There can be no question that the Conservative party of Canada has a responsibility to do everything they can to cause an election at this time. They then have a duty to do everything they can to win a majority. Anything less is a betrayal of the Canadian people.
How much wrongdoing has to be brought forward before it is the right time to call the government to account. How much mismanagement has to be exposed before we stop finding reasons why this is not the right time to have an election. How much thievery, lying, incompetence and chicanery of the worst kind has to be exposed before it’s the right time to call these people to account.
It is interesting that there is an argument being advanced that it is more to our advantage to wait until the Gomery Inquiry is complete. This is shameful reasoning. Since we are the victims of all this malfeasance we should be doing everything we can to unseat the villains and stop any possible cover-ups as well as any further criminal activity.
Mr. Martin and others, inform us that they had no knowledge of these matters. Well if that is true then they have surely shown that they have no business looking after Canada’s fortunes since it bespeaks an unbelievable amount of incompetency coupled with downright stupidity. If it is not true then they are culpable and they need to thrown out of the government as soon as possible and hailed before the bar of justice.
All in all to wait means to acquiesce , to assert ourselves as a Canadian Conservative Party is to start to turn the tide. It is the right thing to do!!!!