the Walrus said

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Retired sort of, I'm an eighteenth century liberal, a whig. I'm married to a really smart lady, we have two sons. Our children are our success story. We have 5 cats (all strays) and 2 guinea pigs... more to come

Monday, July 11, 2005

The weather

When all else fails, talk or write about the weather. Here it is the middle of July and the temperatures are cool, the sky is cloudy and the wind blows and the showers arrive with depressing regularity. The forecasters have been predicting sunny days for some time now, but nothing happens. The weather does not watch or read the forecasts and presents us with its own version of what is. Predicting the local weather is much like fortune telling. Stick to a broad picture, stay with optimistic generalities, mention the sun to be in the sky in the future and the crowds will not drift to far away. They will return to be drawn by a mixture of hope and a desire to know what may happen. Is this being gullible? Do our disapointments in the forecasting failures make us angry at the forecasters? Given the lack of success you would think that the public would react but they still use the reports as fillers, as opening gambits to overcome those first awkward conversational moments. Perhaps the weather forecasts fufill a social and not a geographical function. What would we use otherwise?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Posting Delinquency and Bombings in London

Delinquency - a 'formal' neglect of one's duty. Well it's not 'formal' and it's not a 'duty' but 'formal' is all about rules of behaviour and 'duty' is performing an act because it is morally right. Well maybe posting to my weblog is not that kind of a duty but deciding to start a site should involve a commitment.
I now renew my commitment and intend to write a piece everyday. It may not be long and it may not be well written but I'll be there everyday for the rest of July and all of August. Depending how it goes along will determine what my commitment will be after that.
My attention was drawn to my blog by thinking about the bombing in London. Surely a blogger had to put some thoughts on the site, if for nothing else but to sort out the emotions that have rushed to the surface. Bias, prejudice and bigotry can feed off an event like this. But anger and a need for catharsis is great. Prejudice and bias grows in direct proportion to a lack of satisfactory resolution to personal or social anxieties. In our no fault society where every human act can be explained, rationalised and every perverse act is performed by a victims like ourselves how can we resolve anything. How can we shed the grief and anger created by for the sensless behaviour of those who have abandoned all civilised trappings?
After September 11/2001, some poor cringing fools, who in their fear of becoming a target, to their everlasting shame decided to blame the very society that clothes and feeds them. Those who participated can be found mainly in the halls of academia which long ago became waystations for sophomoric isms that now pass for popular wisdom. Socialism which supposedly relieves citizens of the onerous task of thinking for themselves along with the chore of actually being responsible for their own well-being has decided that they will identify with the aims of these psychotic religeous zealots and have produced all manner of reasons for the actions of these perverts. The stupidity of these persons is immeasurable. To believe that by abasing themselves will help them to avoid becoming a target to someone whose avowed intention is to kill all infidels is beyond belief. To fear these insane criminals is a good thing as it heightens awareness of their evil ways and increases our alertness but to allow that fear to dictate or govern our lives is pathetic.
London and Londoners have a history that is dignified, a character that personifies an unyielding strength and the ability to absorb far more pubishment that anything these infantile terrorists can hand out. Our love and prayers go to Londoners and all who suffered physical and emotional wounds from the bombs of these deranged people. May God succor you and add to your strength in this time of hurt and anguish. "An eye for an eye" Amen.